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Nexus 5 snapshots taken with the Google Camera app

Cyborg Superman through the Google Camera App
Regular readers of my blog will remember my Nexus 5 pictures post which showed off snapshots taken by my non professional photographer self.  With the recent Google Camera update now installed on my Nexus 5, I decided to take some new snapshots to see if picture quality has improved.  In my opinion, it has.  The camera has a faster response time switching back and forth between HDR modes (you should really just leave it on all the time) and is now able to capture fast moving scenes with little to no blur compared to the prior stock android camera app.  With the app being fairly new, there are some features still missing such as time lapse, and a self timer, but I suspect that they will return with time.

As for now, I find that picture quality has improved dramatically, along with the shutter speed.  Compare these shots to my last blog post about the camera quality and decided for yourself.

Fast movement in very low light.

Not bad for dim indoor lighting.

Yep, he's dusty, but that's ok.  You can see that the camera captured the details nicely.

Taken in a moving car.

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